Shipping Policy and Delivery Status
How will I know whether my order has been shipped?
When you place an order on, we'll send you an email confirmation to let you know when it's been shipped and is headed on its way to you. To get order status alerts sent to your phone, sign up for order status alerts. Provided the feature is available at our website, to sign up for phone alerts, access your user profile via, scroll down to the "Choose When and How You Receive Updates About Your Orders" section, and click "Edit" next to "mobile number." In the pop-up window, enter your mobile number and click "Subscribe." You will receive a text message from to which you can reply "Yes" to sign up for order status notifications via text. You will only receive text messages for the order status notifications you have elected to receive via your’s user profile.
How can I check on my order's delivery status?
You can track this usually through the shipment tracking number that will be available for you in the orders page. The same may also be shared with you via email once the order is shipped. To check the delivery status of your order, visit the order status page on and type in your order number and zip code. You can also log into, click on "Track Order" in the top right corner of the page and select the appropriate order for tracking information. We cannot determine exact delivery time, but we can tell you if your order has been shipped, and whether any problems with it have been reported to us. For more specific delivery details, please refer to your order. You may note that is an online marketplace which may have multiple vendors selling products and services. Each of the vendors may have their own shipping mechanism and protocols. For more details on the Terms of use/Terms and Conditions, please visit our Terms and Conditions page(
What does it mean when I'm told my order is processing, shipped, item(s) not available, cancelled or is shipping from store?
Processing means we've received your order and are in the process of filling it. Shipped means we've filled this portion of your order. It's on the delivery truck and will be delivered soon. Item(s) Not Available means this portion of your order was not filled. A Customer Service Representative from will be contacting you with more details. Cancelled means the order was cancelled by either the customer or by A Customer Service Representative from will be contacting you with more details. Shipping from Store means your order is being filled and shipped from a local merchant retail store in your geographic area. (This option has limited availability at this time.)
I won't be available to accept my delivery. What do I do?
If you've already placed an order with us, based on the order type, we may be able to reschedule your order for a different delivery day that's more convenient for you. Please chat with us or call us as soon as possible at to speak with a member of our customer service team. However, if you would like the shipping delivery person to leave your products (e.g., on the front steps) at designated areas, please fill out the ‘Shipment delivery agreement’. The shipping delivery person must take the note as proof of authorization. If the delivery cannot be made, your order will be returned to the local delivery center and another attempt will be made.
If the delivery cannot be made, your order will be returned to the local delivery center and another attempt will be made.
What if I don't receive my order by the scheduled delivery date?
If you don't receive your order by 7:00 pm on the scheduled delivery date, please call us and let us know.
What if I don't receive my order by the scheduled delivery date?
If you don't receive your order by 7:00 pm on the scheduled delivery date, please call us and let us know.
I received most of my order, but I'm missing one item, what should I do?
First check your order and shipment confirmation emails to determine if your missing item is scheduled to ship separately. If your missing item was scheduled to arrive with other items, but was missing, please contact Customer Service for assistance.
How long will it take for my order to be delivered?
We'll provide you with an estimated delivery date when you place your order. Estimated delivery dates vary due to carrier shipping practices, delivery location and the items you order. When we use independent carriers to deliver orders, we base the estimated delivery dates upon information provided to us by the independent carriers. Products may be delivered in separate shipments. We deliver between the hours of 9:00 am and 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. We cannot determine your exact delivery time, but we can tell you if your order has been shipped, and whether or not there are any problems with it that have been reported to us that could delay delivery. To check the delivery status of your order, visit the Order Status page on and type in your order number and zip code. Delivery dates noted apply to orders placed by 5:00 pm local time (or 4:00 pm local time in stores and in limited locations across the country) and where credit approval and product availability are confirmed by 5:00 pm on the same business day that the order is placed. (Business days are defined as Monday through Friday, except holidays.) Items shipped direct from the vendor may require an earlier order placement time. You will be notified of the estimated delivery date in a confirmation email. (Not available for in-store orders if email address is not submitted.) For more specific delivery details, please refer to your order.
What is the minimum and maximum shipping timeline?
Once the order is placed, depending on the delivery location, your order may usually be delivered within a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 10 days. In rare cases, the delivery time may go beyond 10 days. In such cases, the customer will normally be informed through email or a phone call.
Do I have to wait at my house or office all day for my delivery?
For your security and protection, it's best to have someone available to sign for your order between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Our drivers' delivery routes change from day to day so there is no way to determine the exact time your order will be delivered. If you'd like the driver to leave your shipment (on the front steps, for example), you need to fill out the ‘Shipment delivery agreement’. If you don't post a Shipment delivery agreement, the delivery person will decide whether or not to leave the order unattended. If the delivery cannot be made, your order will be returned to the local delivery center and another attempt will be made.
What time can I expect my order to be delivered?
In most cases, our drivers deliver orders between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Since our drivers' delivery routes change from day to day, we cannot determine an approximate time your order will be delivered.
What is your delivery policy?
An estimated delivery date will be provided after your order is placed. These dates vary due to carrier shipping practices, delivery location and the items you order. Products may be delivered in separate shipments. Delivery dates noted apply to orders placed by 5:00 and where credit approval and product availability are confirmed by 5:00 pm on the same business day that the order is placed. (Note: Business days are defined as Monday through Friday, except holidays.) Items shipped direct from the vendor may require an earlier order placement time. You will be notified of the estimated delivery date in a confirmation email. Certain products originate directly from carefully selected vendors and distributors/manufacturers. In many instances, delivery personnel will deliver your order to your entrance. Other items are pre-stocked at warehouses around the location and delivered by a common carrier.
Can I purchase multiple items at the same time but have them shipped separately?
Unfortunately, no. That said, we might ship your items separately based on availability, or if they're coming from multiple suppliers. If you don't want all your items at the same time, we suggest putting in separate orders.
Can I just pay the driver for my order?
Yes, we do accept COD orders. But this is dependent on the option you choose at the time of ordering an item.
Can I place an order on for delivery outside the India?
We currently do not have this option.
What happens if my item arrived, and it was defective?
In such a case, we apologize for that inconvenience. You can return the item and get the refund in such a case. Check the return policy for more details. And do not worry: If you are returning a defective item, we'll refund your shipping charges too!